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We did it! Nate, Kristin and I have finally settled into our little airbnb condo in Guadalajara. We arrived very late last night, after flying from Spokane, WA to Phoenix, AZ and then onto Guadalajara. Our final flight was delayed about an hour due to a bit of plane maintenance, so by the time we unloaded, awaited staff help for Kristin via wheelchair transport, gathered our bags, passed through security, located our travel host, and drove the 30mins to our place, it was well passed midnight.

We are tired!

We all slept in today, and will be focusing our energy on recovery, resting, and adjusting to our new surroundings. I personally have not spent any significant amount of time away from my children, who are 10 and 2, so we will see how the week fares. So far I am just happy to have some quiet time and uninterrupted sleep! LOL

The last two full days of travel have been very hard on Kristin, so she will be laying low for the next couple of days in preparation for her stem cell treatment. In the meantime, we will be exploring the areas, searching out possible neurologist and immunologists that may be willing to see Kristin while we are here, and seeking out other vaccine injured locals.

Nate has put some feelers out already for information on injured and has a couple of interesting leads, so he will be taking some time to follow up on those in the upcoming days.

Nate will also be putting together some little clips of our travels for you all to view in the upcoming days so you can see what we have been experiencing, so watch out for those!

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to send us donations through our new donations form on the Invisible Fences website. Every donation helps bring us closer to our goal and keeps us moving forward. We have been struggling to gain exposure across the globe, and we know that these donations are largely due to the interviews we have been doing lately, so thank you again to all of the independent media sources who are helping us bring our story to light. We love you all!!

And as always, don't forget to check out our social media feeds on Insta & FB as we are fairly active there with updates on @invisiblefencesfilm.

More to come!

Love & Light,

Jaimie, Kristin & Nate

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Pat Bray
Pat Bray

I missed something... who's Nate? All the best, Pat


Nate is the Director & Cinematographer of our film crew. He is following us around and filming with us :)



Just another thought :) .... I wonder if they offer intravenous vitamin c there. Have just been shocked to read of its use going back decades to rid the body of toxins. All the best! Vitamin C Antidote too all known toxins Thomas Levy, MD .............. and also used to avoid damage from vaccines .......... and and FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, February 14, 2012

Vitamin C Prevents Vaccination Side Effects; Increases Effectiveness by Thomas E Levy, MD, JD (OMNS, Feb 14, 2012)


THANK YOU! Kristin has done many IV treatments including Vit C over the last two years.


Susanne Morris
Susanne Morris

Sending so much love to all 3 of you! XOXO

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