There is ONE week remaining in our campaign! To all of our backers and beloved friends, if you are interested in upping your contribution and becoming a more valuable asset to our project, now is the time. We have packages that offer Producer level perks, which allow you to become an accredited part of this film! Check out our higher level perks on our Crowdfunder site to see if this is something that appeals to you. We need you on our team!
Spring break is coming to a close this week, which means Kristin and I will be more available to everyone, and can keep our focus on the next steps of this production. We have been busy this week chatting with a stem cell institute in Mexico and getting Kristin evaluated and ready to schedule her treatment with them in April. We will be booking flights this week, and preparing our journey there to film Kristin's travel endeavours and her medical management. We are excited to get on the move, and begin our first of many legs of this voyage.
We were thrilled to finally connect with Bri Dressen of React19 yesterday on the phone, she has been a fierce and powerful advocate for the vaccine injured in the States and around the globe, and a dear friend to us over the last two years. She is going to work some magic and help us connect with some media outlets in the States to get the word out about our film and our fundraising. Stay tuned for more on that! Thank you Bri!
In the upcoming week, we are going to be interviewed by Deanna of East Anchor Media from Edmonton, AB this Tuesday at 12:00PST. It will likely be a recorded zoom that airs later on, so we will fan out the links and information for that as soon as we have it.
On Sunday I will be chatting on the phone with Alice the Journalist out of the UK to set up an interview time and date with her, and will post info on that once it is available.
Our article written by the amazing Lee Harding should be out for viewing on Sunday! Watch for the links to that this weekend. :)
Things are coming together. I have been thinking a lot about my place in all of this over the last two years, and where it has taken me; how it has changed me as a mom, a wife, a friend, and a human. I have always felt that I have not yet found my place in this world, or my "purpose", and as I sit and write this today I can say that I am one hundred percent certain I have found it now. This is what I was put on this earth for. To be in this space, standing strong for Kristin and all others in her position, and advocating for their health and wellness. I have always believed I am here to help others, yet the path never seemed to feel right. Now it does.
Thank you again to everyone who has reached out, sent love and warmth, communicated in respectful and kind ways, who has been with us, or is joining us now along the way. Every single one of you has helped us get to where we are today, and we love you.
More updates to come!
Love & light,
Jaimie, Kristin & Nate