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Still On the Move!

Hello beautiful humans!

Just a little note to say we love you all, and we are still on the move! Kristin and I have been busy organizing for her appeal with the Vaccine Injury Support Program that takes place this Friday. She has all the paperwork in now and all we can do is wait and pray! Send her all of your love and thoughts this week. We are hopeful, and keeping our heads up.

It's spring break here so we have been busy with kids and family, so if we are a bit absent lately that is why. Our children keep us on our toes, and fill our hearts with love. Even though they are exhausting LOL.

The two of us did have a very productive week last week, sending emails and messages and calling around to people in search of interviews. We filmed all of our endeavours. We also had a lovely phone interview with the very kind and compassionate Lee Harding from The Epoch Times. We will let you all know when his article is complete and ready for viewing.

Kristin did a podcast today with the beautiful woman of The Patients Perspective. I unfortunately was no able to attend, however caught the tail end of it when I popped by her house this morning. They want to have us both back on soon, so stay tuned for that, and for information on where you can listen to/watch the podcast. We have multiple potential interviews in the works, and hope to confirm more dates and times in the upcoming days. We just confirmed an interview with Deanna of East Anchor Media & Events for next Tuesday, April 4th, at 12:00PST. Once I have more concrete details on that, I will let everyone know. On Monday I did a massive media fanout to over 100 main stream media sources with our info about Invisible Fences, seeking interviews/promotion/publication of any kind. So far, only two responses have come in. Thank you to those two very sincere and caring individuals who reached out asking how they can help. We will continue our journey to connect with as many sources as we can. If you know someone, let us know! That's it for now. More to come...

Love & light,

Jaimie, Kristin & Nate

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